May 2022 - Laurent Bègue-Shankland

Replay of the teleGrenoble TV show "Si On Parlait" with Laurent Bègue Shankland and the Lab Fish Project.

02/03/2022 - Laurent & Rebecca Bègue-Shankland

"Mindfulness meditation is far from the esoteric representation and the scent of incense"
Scientific research show that mindfulness meditation, which has nothing to do with religious , is a source of benefits, says a group of scientists who are in favor of holding workshops allowing this practice in schools.

This book first presents the scientific basis of this approach and then familiarizes you with its tools. It gives you practical suggestions, through concrete tracks, living testimonies and accessible exercises.

03/2021 - Christine Jeoffrion

This book provides an overview of the approaches, interventions and positioning of psychologists in the field of health at work. It presents thoughts on the identity, posture and specificity of the practice of the health psychologists.

02/2021 - Hans Rocha IJzerman

The book discusses research on social thermoregulation across disciplines, including (social, developmental, and clinical) psychology, behavioral ecology, and linguistics.

06/02/2020 - Anna Tcherkassof

Will this mask between us change our relationships in a lasting way? Anna Tcherkassof explores the non-verbal communication, thwarted by this mask.

Several colleagues, including members of LIP/PC2S, have worked on the French translation of this online course on R. Thanks to all of them !

11/14/2017 - Rebecca Bègue-Shankland

We need each other more than ever. Moving forward together makes us happier and able to deal with life's challenges.
Receiving and giving support is an opportunity to strengthen relationships and this exchange is beneficial to both the giver and the receiver.

11/2017 - Dominique Muller

The first French overview of the key concepts of social cognition.

11/14/2017 - Rebecca Bègue-Shankland

The book presents the applied positive psychology program CARE (Coherence - Attention - Relation - Commitment) validated by research in positive psychology and which has shown its effectiveness in terms of improving well-being, reducing stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms.

12/2018 - Dominique Muller

This book presents the main statistical tests used in the social sciences using an integrative approach that is simple and powerful, allowing the reader to understand in depth the tools used

11/2017 - Jean-Louis Monestès

In this book, experienced ACT therapists describe their step-by-step sessions with patients and discuss their approach. The variety of issues presented illustrates the different ways in which the processes involved in psychological disorders can be changed.

2024 - Vaccine
Do boys have the same intentions to get the HPV vaccine as girls? Knowledge, attitudes, and intentions in France

2024 - Archives of Public Health
Barriers and facilitators to the HPV vaccine: a multicenter qualitative study of French general practitioners

2024 - Cognitive processing
Conflict in moral and nonmoral decision making: an empirical study coupled with a computational model

2024 - Cognitive processing
Conflict in moral and nonmoral decision making: an empirical study coupled with a computational model

2024 - Archives of Public Health
Barriers and facilitators to the HPV vaccine: a multicenter qualitative study of French general practitioners

2024 - L’Encéphale
Does the avatar embodiment moderate the Proteus effect?

2024 - International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
Does the avatar embodiment moderate the Proteus effect?

2024 - Frontiers in Psychology
How social background and interest in science are linked to junior high school students’ perceptions of the ecological transition

2024 - Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology
Living conditions during confinement moderate the relationship between trait anxiety and negative repetitive thinking
2024 - Psychologie du travail et des organisations
Représentations sociales de la femme politique idéale et de l’homme politique idéal : étude d’un gender gap à la française.

2023 - Collabra: Psychology
The association between smokers’ approach bias and heaviness of use: a focus on light smokers