Goncharova Maria

Goncharova Maria
Email: mariia.goncharova@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Thèmes de recherches:psychotic-like experiences


Directeur de thèse:  Catherine Bortolon (Université Grenoble Alpes)

Co-directeur de thèse: Hans IJzerman (Université Grenoble Alpes)

I am a doctoral student of the Clinical Psychology at the University Grenoble Alpes. My main interest is in topics of psychotic-like experiences (hallucinations and delusions) and loneliness.

The overall goal of my project is to reduce psychotic experiences in Ukrainian refugees by better embedding them socially in their new country of residence. Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, more than 5 million people have been displaced (UNHCR, May 1st, 2022), with more than 70,000 Ukrainians who have settled in France (Didier Leschi, April 27th 2022). Now living in Europe, many refugees have witnessed violence, torture, and other war crimes. As a result of their new situation, Ukrainian refugees are more likely to feel lonely, and, as a result, are at greater risk of experiencing mental health problems. Therefore, the overall goal of the project is to find interventions to reduce psychosis and psychotic experiences.