Social Cognition

Team leader: Hans IJzerman

Research conducted within this axis is grounded in what should be called a social cognition approach. We call it a social cognition approach insofar as the work that claims to be social cognition today takes very different forms that are no longer limited to social psychology. Thus, we now find so-called social cognition work in cognitive psychology, clinical psychology and neuroscience. Social cognition refers more generally today to the study of the processes involved in the processing of information relating to others, but also to the impact of the individual’s social insertion on these cognitive functions.

  • Topic 1: Regulation processes
    • Subtopic 1 : Regulation through changes in self-perception
    • Subtopic 2 : Regulation by modifying the perception of oth
    • Subtopic 3 : Regulation by changing the distribution of resources
  • Topic 2: Evaluation Process 
    • Subtopic 1 : Importance of previous experiences
    • Subtopic 2 : Importance of mindset and emotional state
    • Subtopic 3 : Importance of the purpose of the evaluation
    • Subtopic 4 : Importance of explanations and normative context